“Why We Fight”

From a Seven Days series of stories in 10 tweets (old school, 140-character limit), one of which Erik Esckilsen then tweeted through his Twitter account, @erikee.

“Why We Fight”

Meeting Eli at the St. John’s Club after work. Eli, of all people! He’s not working. Just got back. Me: From where? Eli: Long story.

At the club. Eli: Bourbon. Me: Irish. Like old times. Five years out of touch, we calculate. Why? Email! Skype! Etc.! Eli: It’s complicated.

Eli’s in the john. I recall the day he bailed. The weapons firm took my bid to design their annual report. Glossy stock, hi-res, top dollar.

You watch, Eli said. First a print job — and then web, video … Pretty soon you’re part of the machine. Shalom, my oldest, goddamndest friend.

It’s noisy with the karaoke crowd in the house. A girl sings Nancy Sinatra while Eli argues about Obama with a guy the next table over.

Outside the club. Some shoving around the flagpole. No one really wants to fight. Bartender shouts from the door: Get the hell back inside.

Eli and I need fresh air. Pleasantries. My folks — fine. His mom’s good. I do the math: His sister, the soldier, has been dead seven years.

Long pause. Me: You shut me out — over a job? Eli (shaking his head): No. I went home. To Israel. I fought for her. Me: Ironic.

Eli: No. Family. It’s complicated. He looks at me. Me: Why’d I take the job? Girlfriend was pregnant. Eli: Was? Me: We have two kids now.

Back inside, we sit at the bar facing the lake — a stunning view in summer. It’s December. A patron sings Neil Diamond: “I am,” I cried.
